The most comprehensive, high-quality GED program with online GED classes, practice tests, and prep guide! Here we’ll provide you with everything you need to pass the GED test:
- Prepare with our free GED classes below
- Take our free GED practice test
- Get study recommendations and guidelines to schedule for the GED test.
- And much more to get a high score in the GED…
Learn more about GED Social Studies Classes Online

Get Started with Our GED Online Test Classes Now
If you want to jump right into our free classes, just click the links below to get started. Otherwise, continue reading to find out more about what your study journey will look like and how we’ll help you ace the GED.
GED Math Classes – Over 20 Video Lessons
GED Social Studies Classes – Over 20 Video Lessons.
GED Science Classes – Over 10 Video Lessons.
GED English Classes – Over 10 Lessons
Check our GED® English Reasoning Through Language Arts Practice Tests
The Best Free GED Prep Course
Want to get the high school diploma equivalent, GED test but don’t have enough time to study? Find it hard to focus on when reading books? Can’t understand some difficult terms while studying?
We have good news for you! Test Prep Tool Kit brings you GED Classes to help you:
- Study more topics in less time
- Stay focused while studying
- Understand difficult topics and terms with ease
- Remember what you’ve learned
We also have Practice Tests that you can use: Free GED® Science Practice Test
What Our Online GED Classes Cover
As you may know, the GED test is a high school diploma equivalent covers four subjects: math, science, social studies, and English reasoning through language arts. You need to get a total score of 580 in the test [1]. Additionally, you need to get at least 145 points on each subject. This is the reason why we created the GED classes: we want you to get a high score in each subject successfully with ease.
Take a look at the topics that you can study through our GED classes. We have GED online classes for the following subjects:
More helpful tips on our website: GED Math
Online GED® Math Classes
Here you will find a completely free, GED test preparation course, as well as practice tests. These can help you succeed in your GED exam and take the next step toward college or a new career.
This GED® Math Class has 25 Lessons.
Start the Online GED® Math Course NOW!
GED Math Online Classes
Our GED video lessons for Math cover topics that you will need to study for algebraic problem-solving and quantitative problem-solving, the two major content domains of the GED Math online test. [2]
Section 1: Basic Functions & Number Lines
- Rational Numbers: Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, & Dividing
- Decimals: Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying & Dividing
- Fractions: Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying & Dividing
- Fractions & Decimals on a Number Line
Section 2: Ratios, Percentages, Powers and Scientific Notation
- Ratios
- Percentages to Decimals
- Percentages to Fractions
- Simple Interest
- Exponents
- Intro to Square Roots
- Square Roots
- Scientific Notation
Try our Free GED Math Practice Test here
Section 3: Charts, Graphs, Probability, and Statistics
- Reading Pictographs
- Reading Bar Graphs
- Reading Pie Graphs
- Mean, Median, and Mode
- Range & Mid-range
- Simple Probability
- Advanced Probability
- Coin Toss Probability
Online GED® Social Studies Classes
Here you will find a completely free, GED test preparation course, as well as practice tests. These can help you score well in your GED exam and take the next step toward college or a new career.
GED® Social Studies with Over 20 Video Lessons.
Start the Online GED® Social Studies Course NOW!
GED Social Studies Online Classes
Our GED Social Studies video lessons cover two major sections included in the GED test: US History and Civics & Government. [3]
Section 1: US History
- Colonialism & Exploration
- The Revolutionary War
- The Civil War
- Westward Expansion
- Industrialization & Immigration
- World War Two
- Cold War
- Civil Rights Movement
Section 2: Civics & Government
- Forms of Government
- The Constitution
- Bill of Rights
- Levels and Branches of Government
- US Electoral System
- Role of the Citizen
We have Free GED Social Studies Practice Test HERE
Online GED® Science Classes
Here you will find a completely free, online GED© test preparation course, as well as practice tests. These can help you achieve your GED® exam and take the next step toward college or a new career.
GED® Online Science with 25 Lessons.
GED Science Online Classes
Our GED Science online lessons cover two of the major topics included in the exam: Life Science and Earth & Space Science. It also tackles basic science concepts. [4]
Section 1: Science Basics
- The Scientific Method
- Central Tendency
- Writing Short Responses
Section 2: Life Science
- Cell Processes & Energy
- The Human Body
- Health & Nutrition
- Evolution & Darwin
- Ecosystems
Learn more HERE
Section 3: Earth & Space Science
- Earth’s Structure
- Earth’s Resources
Use our Free GED Online classes for the GED® Exam
We have gathered video lessons for math, social studies and science because these subjects are topic-heavy. They cover a wide range of topics, so we want to help you focus on the ones that are actually included in the test.
In 15 minutes or less, you can study 1 to 4 GED testing topics using our online GED classes. We kept these video lessons short to help you stay focused on the topic you’re studying. Each subject is divided into sub-topics, so you can quickly choose which ones you need to prioritize. You don’t need to watch these videos in chronological order. In other words, you can choose to start in the middle or anywhere you want to begin.
Our GED Math Video Lessons will help you prepare faster
Why Attend our Online GED Classes?
There are many benefits to attending our online GED classes. First, you can watch them anytime, wherever you are as long as you can concentrate. You can save them for offline viewing or listen. Second, you can easily choose the topics you need to study and you can study them in any order that you want.
Here are more reasons to watch our online GED classes:
- Retain more information. The shorter the lesson, the easier it is to remember what you have learned. With the length of the videos ranging from 2 minutes to 16 minutes each, it will be easier to study and retain what you have learned. It will also be easy to squeeze in the needed breaks to recharge your mind. [5]
- Easy to take notes. When watching our video lessons, it will be easier for you to take notes on your computer. Taking notes is another technique that will help you remember what you studied. Medical Daily says that using pen and paper when taking notes helps boost memory. It also helps you better understand and recall concepts.
- Make studying easy and interesting with visuals. Visuals like graphics, maps, arrows, and other images and illustrations that support the text make the topic interesting and easy to understand. A Psychology Today article says the use of visuals in learning decreases the time you need to study, improves your understanding of the subject, and helps you retain information with less Mental Health Challenges.
- Practice, don’t search! Studies show that people tend to unknowingly procrastinate studying when it comes to testing. We do this in many ways, and one of those ways is by convincing ourselves that we need to search for more resources and more information. Our lessons, study guides, and free resources should be more than you need for testing. Don’t procrastinate, start studying!
More review materials HERE
7 Quick Study Tips to Help You Study for the GED Test Through Online Classes
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Can I get my GED online?
No, you cannot take the GED test online. You may take preparation courses on the Internet, but you can only take the GED test in a GED testing service center. The GED test is generally administered on a computer, but you cannot take it online at home from your computer. The registration process can be done online at the website, but you have to personally visit an official GED testing center to take the test.
Can I get my GED at home?
No, you cannot get your GED at home. Online courses may be available for the students to studying in the comfort of your home, but you have to take the actual GED test personally in a GED testing center. However, the registration process is typically done online via the website. Test-takers with learning disabilities can ask for accommodations that are helpfully provided by official GED testing service centers.
How long does it take to get a GED?
The time that it takes to get a GED varies, depending on how often you study in a week and what program you plan to take. If you study on your own once a week, it would take 6 to 8 months until you are ready to take the GED test. Studying 2 to 3 times a week would hasten your readiness in 2 to 3 months. Studying via our online study guide provides you with a smarter, easier and faster way to get ready for the GED test, especially if you are efficient with your study schedule.
How much does it cost to get a GED?
According to the website, the cost of getting a GED total to $120. This means that each subject costs $30. Normally, however, test-takers don’t take all the 4 GED tests altogether. Each GED test can be taken at different times, and you can space them out according to your preference. Visit the website to find out the GED testing rules in your state and how much your state charges for taking the GED tests.
How many times can you take the GED?
A GED test can be taken 3 times without a waiting period. That is, if you fail your test the first time, you are allowed 2 retakes at any time you wish. However, after 3 attempts, and if you still fail, you will be required to wait for 60 days to take the test again.
Is the GED exam hard?
The GED exam is hard because it is time-pressured, but it can be easy if you prepare for it using the right tools and resources. You can navigate our free online GED study guide to access online GED classes and online GED practice tests without any sign-up procedures and cost.
What score do you need to pass the GED?
The score you need is 145 for each subject and 580 across all subjects, but don’t just aim for a passing mark. However, there is a score scale that colleges and universities might check when you apply for admission. Getting 145 to 164 points means you passed the test. But scoring higher can get you a GED College Ready (165 – 174 points) or a GED College Ready + Credit (175 -200 points) credential.
Aim to achieve the highest score possible because you will find this useful, especially when you plan to pursue further studies.
But more than just being a second-chance diploma for someone who wasn’t able to finish high school, the GED online test gives you the opportunity to:
- Get a better job. Not having a high school diploma limits your job opportunities. A GED certificate shows potential employers that you have high-school-level math, science, social studies, and language arts skills.
Learn more about GED 101: 2021 GED Practice Tests, GED Classes for GED Exam – 1 Stop GED Programs Guide
- Be promoted at work. Sometimes, skills, work experience, and hard work are not enough to get you a promotion. If you’ve been aiming for a promotion at work, a GED certificate would help support your application for a promotion. It’s an achievement that you can add to your resume or LinkedIn profile.
We have GED® Social Studies Prep Guide HERE
- Improve your earnings. You can have higher-earning jobs with your GED credential. You can be a transportation, storage or distribution manager, an elevator installer or repairer, a detective or criminal investigator, supervisor of non-retail sales workers, transportation inspector, media and communication equipment worker, and many others. USA Today reported in 2016 that these jobs are the highest paying ones for high school graduates. On average, the yearly wage for these jobs ranges from $70,500 to $86,630. Imagine what that is today!
Check our GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Guide
- Get into a college or university. Along the way, maybe you have discovered your true passion or maybe you want to pursue your dreams. And you know that the next step you need to do is get a college or university degree. Our community can help you achieve this.
One of the basic requirements of colleges and universities is a high school diploma. However, if you weren’t able to complete your high school education, you can submit your GED credential. Take note, though, score requirements for admission are not the same for all schools. Find a School
Learn more about GED Science Classes Online
- Increase your self-confidence. Not having a high school diploma may have lowered your self-esteem. Passing the GED online test will give your confidence a boost. Not only that, if you happen to be a parent or a business owner, you can set a good example for your kids, staff, and colleagues. Taking the GED test means you take education and your goals seriously.
What To Do If You Don’t Get the GED Online Test
Didn’t make it the first time? Don’t worry. You can get two discounted retakes for every subject test you have registered for. Also, you only have to retake the subject/s that you have failed.
Learn more about the test by getting the complete GED Study Guide.
Ready to begin studying? Choose the online GED classes you want to attend.
- GED Online Test Prep And Complete Guide To GED Exam
- GED® Writing an Extended Response: RLA Test
- Measurement and Geometry
- Physical Science
- Powerful GED Prep Tips and Material to Survive GED Test Anxiety: USA Test Prep for GED
- Free GED Math Practice Test
- GED Reading Practice Test
- Solving Linear Expressions Part 8
- GED Reading Practice Test
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