
Geometry, a branch of mathematics that deals with shapes, space, lines, points, and their properties, is one of the topics included in the GED test. This GED practice test is specifically designed to test your geometry math skills and knowledge. You can use this test to assess your skill level before reviewing for the GED math exam. You may also use the practice test itself to familiarize yourself with the types of test questions and the kinds of geometry problems you might come across during the exam.

It is also ideal to take this geometry GED practice test after you have watched the video lessons to test how much you have understood the concepts and formulas you have just studied. It will help you remember the techniques you’ve learned for solving geometry math problems.

What to Expect from the Geometry GED Practice Test

In this GED test, you will be able to answer math problems that will ask you to do any of the following:

  1. Solve geometry problems by applying the Pythagorean theorem.
  2. Compute the perimeter and area of a polygon through the correct application of the geometric formula.
  3. Compute the perimeter and area of 2D composite geometric figures, including circles using the correct geometric formula.
  4. Compute the surface area and volume of rectangular prisms by using the correct geometric formula.
  5. Find the side length or height of a rectangular prism using the correct geometric formula when the volume or surface area is given.
  6. Find the volume or surface area of cylinders using the correct geometric formula.
  7. Find the volume and surface area or right pyramids and cones using the correct geometric formula.
  8. Compute the radius, diameter, side lengths and height of right pyramids and cones when the volume or surface area is given by the proper application of the geometric formula.
  9. Find the volume and surface area of right prisms using the proper geometric formula.
  10. Compute the side length or height of a right prism when the volume or surface area is given through the correct application of the geometric formula.
  11. Find the volume and surface area of spheres using the proper geometric formula.
  12. Find the radius or diameter of spheres when the surface area is given through the correct application of the geometric formula.
  13. Find the surface area and volume of 3D geometric figures through the proper application of the geometric formula. 

As you can see, most geometry problems involve using formulas to arrive at the correct answer. This GED practice test is designed to help you exercise your ability not just to memorize formulas, but also to apply them correctly to solve geometry problems. By the end of this GED practice test, you will become familiar with geometry terms and you will also be able to understand how to put geometric formulas into practice.