The GED (General Educational Development) is a high school equivalency test. The GED® was created in the 1940’s to help World War 2 veterans complete their high school education. Five years later, the GED® test became available to civilians. Over 20 million people have passed the GED® since it’s creation over 70 years ago.

What Does the GED Test Include?
The GED Test covers four subjects:
- Math
- Science
- Social Studies
- Reasoning through Language Arts
Overall, the test aims to assess whether you have the skills and knowledge of a high school graduate. While each test is often scheduled on different dates, the GED test approximately takes seven hours to finish. Generally, the tests are scheduled per subject on available dates and times of the day. Some states allow you to take all the tests in one day.
We have Free GED Social Studies Practice Test here.
Try a GED® Practice Test
The GED Math Test
Math GED test covers algebraic problem-solving and quantitative problem-solving. Fifty-five percent of the questions focus on algebraic problem-solving. Quantitative problem-solving questions include questions on number operations and geometric thinking.
The mathematics test was developed to evaluate practical problem-solving skills within a mathematical context. Because the test measures mathematical reasoning skills, it covers a wide range of topics, including algebra and numeric reasoning. The test has various types of questions, such as fill-in-the-blank, multiple-choice, hot spot, drag, and drop, and drop down items.
The test is 115 minutes long. It covers number operations and number sense, measurement and geometry, data analysis, statistics, and probability, and algebra, functions, and patterns.
Learn more about GED Social Studies Classes Online
How to Prepare With Test Prep Toolkit’s GED Practice Test for Math:
Take Test Prep Toolkit’s free GED practice test for math. Each practice test is 25 questions long, but it covers all the topics found in the actual test such as quantitative problem solving, number operations, and functions. Moreover, you have the option to reveal the correct answer to each question.
The GED practice test should give you an idea of the test structure and instructions. It should also help you determine which areas you need to focus on. Give special attention to areas that you find difficult. You can use this information to help you study more efficiently.
Learn more: GED 101: 2021 GED Practice Tests, GED Classes for GED Exam – 1 Stop GED Programs Guide
GED Math: The Most Feared Subject made Easier.
- GED Math Practice Test (25 Questions)
- GED Math Video Lessons (25 Lessons)
- GED Math PreTest (25 Questions)
- GED Math Practice Questions (Tons of Questions)
After taking the GED Math practice test, focus on your weak areas through our online GED classes for math. Our online classes cover the following topics:
- Number Line
- GCF and LCM
- Rules of Exponents
- Absolute Value
- Rational Numbers
- Fractions
- Decimals
- Squares and Square Roots
- Cubes and Cube Roots
- Undefined Numbers
- Scientific Notation
- Mean, Median, Mode, and Range
- Weighted Average
- Counting Techniques
- Determining the Probability
- Solving Linear Equations Part
- Multivariable Linear Equations
- Real-World Linear Equations
- Graphing Linear Equations
More review materials HERE
The GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test
Language Arts GED test focuses on assessing these three skills: the ability to read closely, the ability to write clearly, and the ability to understand and edit written English in context. Twenty-five percent of the test covers literature, while the remaining 75% is dedicated to non-fiction text derived from a wide range of workplace contexts.
The Language Arts GED® test has two components: reading comprehension and writing. For the reading comprehension, you must be able to make logical inferences from the text. You must be able to demonstrate college-level ability to determine the text’s main idea, understand points of view and comprehend what words and phrases mean.
The writing component assesses your ability to analyze arguments and to use evidence to prove your point. It also evaluates your ability to develop ideas and structure as well as your ability to express yourself clearly in Standard English.
The Language Arts GED® test has a time allotment of 150 minutes.
Start reviewing with our helpful contents: GED® Social Studies Prep Guide
How to Prepare For GED with Test Prep Toolkit’s GED Practice Test for Language Arts
Answer Test Prep Toolkit’s GED practice test for Language Arts. This will help you familiarize yourself with the test structure and the kinds of questions you will encounter during the exam. The questions will evaluate your reading comprehension and English usage skills. The practice test has 25 questions. Answers may be quickly revealed after each question to aid you in your study.
- GED® Reading & Writing Practice Test ( 25 Questions )
- GED® Reading & Writing Practice ( Tons Questions )
- GED® Reading and Writing Lessons ( 10 Lessons )
Check out our other Free GED© Practice Tests
Test Prep Toolkit also helps you prepare for the writing test with a quick guide on writing an extended response for GED.
The GED® Science Test
Science GED test covers three major topics: life (45%), physics and chemistry (35%), and earth and space science (20%). The test includes problem-solving questions about the subject. While it covers a wide range of scientific topics, it focuses on two themes: Human Health and Living Systems and Energy and Related Systems.
Human Health and Living Systems tackle materials that are essential to health and safety of living things. Specifically, it explores the environment, the functions of the human body, and systems of living organisms.
Energy and Related Systems touches upon earth and space science. In particular, it covers the function, sources, and transformations of energy in the universe.
Test-takers are given 90 minutes to finish the science GED® test.
How to Prepare For GED with Test Prep Toolkit’s GED Practice Test for Science
Take Test Prep Toolkit’s GED science practice test. Like the GED practice tests for other subjects, the test also has 25 questions. Likewise, you can quickly reveal the answer right after each question.
- GED® Science Practice Test ( 25 Questions )
- GED Science Practice Questions ( Tons of Questions )
Check out our other Free GED© Practice Tests
After taking the GED practice tests, move on to the GED science online classes. The video classes are divided into the following topics:
- The Scientific Method
- Central Tendency
- Writing Short Responses
- Cell Processes and Energy
- The Human Body
- Health and Nutrition
- Evolution and Darwin
- Ecosystems
- Earth’s Structure
- Earth’s Resources
The GED® Social Studies Test
Social Studies GED test includes four major topics: civics and government (25%), local and world history (40%), economics (20%), and geography of the world (15%). The test focuses on two main themes that are essential to American civics and government. These two themes are the Development of Modern Liberties and Democracy and the Dynamic Responses in Societal Systems.
The Development of Modern Liberties and Democracy tackles the current democracy concepts and civil rights from ancient civilizations up to the present. It looks into the historical figures, ideas, events, policies, and structures that gave rise to democracy.
The Dynamic Responses in Societal Systems examines how systems, policies, and structures respond to geographical conditions and events.
The Social Studies GED® test has a time allotment of 70 minutes.
How to Prepare For GED with Test Prep Toolkit’s GED Practice Test for Social Studies:
Like the rest of the GED practice tests for the 3 subjects, the test for social studies also has 25 questions. To check your answers, there is a show answer option at the bottom of each question.
We have GED Science Classes Online
How Do You Want to Study for GED Social Studies? Pick Below
- GED Social Studies Practice Test ( 25 Questions )
GED® Social Studies Lessons (10 Lessons) - GED® Social Studies Practice Questions ( Tons Questions )
Check out our other Free GED Math Practice Test
To review each section of the actual test, search and watch our online GED social studies classes, which cover the following topics:
- Colonialism and Exploration
- The Revolutionary War
- The Civil War
- Westward Expansion
- Industrializations and Immigration
- World War Two
- Cold War
- Civil Rights Movement
- Forms of Government
- The Constitution
- Bill of Rights
- Levels and Branches of Government
- US Electoral System
- Role of the Citizen
We have GED Math Video Lessons
Start My GED® Course Now
Who Can Take the GED Test?
The GED test can be taken by anyone above 17 years old who is currently not enrolled in high school and has not graduated from it. At the present time, the requirements vary from state to state. However, these often include a document of withdrawal from the last school you attended, the school’s approval to take the test, a letter stating that you have not attended school outside of the state.
People who are 16 years old may also take the GED test, but they would need to fill out and sign a Waiver Application Form. Consent letter from the parent or guardian and school documents are also needed.
The test fee also varies per state. While some charge up to $80, some states do offer it for free. Because of these different requirements and fees, it is best to contact your state or territory’s point person for the GED test to get the list of complete requirements, Here is a list of the GED test administrators per state or area.
Visit our website: GED® Science Study Guide
Why Take the GED Exam?
One of the top reasons cited for taking the GED exam is employment. In order to get better job opportunities, people who are above 16 years old who have not finished high school takes this test. In case you haven’t finished high school or have dropped out of it for various reasons, you are given another shot at getting high school level education through the GED test.
Similarly, immigrants who have not finished high school may also benefit from taking the GED test. In case their current educational credentials aren’t valid and acknowledged in the country, they may take the test to help them land a better job or get into college.
In essence, by taking the GED exam and passing it, you are increasing your chances of landing a better job and getting promoted at work. Also, it offers you the opportunity to pursue a college education or advanced training, as both often require a high school diploma or a GED certification. In fact, more than 98% of US colleges and universities accept GED graduates who meet all the school’s other requirements for admission.
In addition to better employment and education benefits, passing the GED test gives you an instant boost of confidence because you are adding another achievement to your list of credentials.
Even Celebrities have to pass the GED at some point in life, here is a list of few of them to get you inspired:
- Hilary Swank – Actress
- Eminem – Rapper
- Michael J. Fox – Actor
- Christina Applegate – Actress
- Nicholas Cage – Actor
- Bo Bice – Musician
- David Bowie – Musician
- 50 Cent – Rapper
- Oscar de la Hoya – Professional Boxer
- Waylon Jennings – Musician
- D.L. Hughley – Actor
- Peter Jennings – Former Journalist
- Angelina Jolie – Actress
- Wally Amos – Entrepreneur
- Kelly Mcgillis – Actress
- Pink – Musician
- Mary Lou Retton – Gymnist
- Chris Rock – Comedian
What Do I Have to Do to Pass the GED test?
To pass the GED test, you must attain a total score of 580 on all the tests. Moreover, you must also get at least 145 points on each part of the test. Additionally, to earn a GED College Ready credential, you must reach 165-174 points. A score of 175-200 will give you a College Ready + credential.
Preparation is key to achieve these test scores. With this in mind, it is best to get access to GED practice test resources and study guide. Specifically, we recommend answering these sample tests to familiarize yourself with the instructions and structure of the exam. Test Prep Toolkit has simplified the review process by taking the most important components of the GED exam and dividing them into sections per subject area so you can get everything covered.
Start reviewing with our helpful contents: GED Reasoning Through Language Arts Guide
GED Test Guide, USA Test Prep and GED Practice Tests [Infographic]
We suggest that you concentrate on your weak areas. Also, If you’re not sure where to begin, you can try taking GED practice tests subjects that you have always found difficult. Generally, your test scores will help you confirm whether you need to focus on the subject.
Make sure you’ve had enough sleep on the day of the exam. Also, relax and stay hydrated. Cramming will not work at this point and will only add to your anxiety. For this reason, it is best to just rest the day before the test.
There is no need to worry about the test as long as you’ve reviewed and studied through GED practice test and online classes weeks and days before the exam. Likewise, you can also take comfort in the fact that the GED test has a relatively high passing rate. In fact, in 2013, 75.3% of the test-takers passed the exam, according to the official GED testing website.
Test Prep Tool Kit also has GED Online Classes with videos that you can watch to gain a clear understanding of the topics being discussed. Coupled with the GED practice tests, you will be able to have a good understanding of the topics included in the actual exam.
In the event that your score falls below 145, that means you failed the test. However, the good news is you can retake the test. In addition, the GED Testing Service provides a report on your scores with recommendations on what skills you need to work on. The report is also usually available 24 hours after you take the test.