Ratio, Proportion and Percent

Ratio, Proportion, and Percent is a mathematical topic that compares quantities. Because the GED Math test focuses on checking your ability to apply math to real-life settings, you can expect word problems that ask you to find the ratio, proportion or percentage as these are used in everyday life.

A ratio is a comparison of two different quantities. For example, if strawberries cost $5/kg, oranges $2/kg, and grapes $4/kg, then the ratio of these prices can be expressed as 5:2:4. Ratio word problems usually ask you to compare two quantities or to determine proper allocation.

A proportion is an equation showing that two ratios are equal. A percent or percentage is a ratio or number expressed as a fraction of 100. Three percent, for example, is really a ratio that means 3 per 100.

Ratio, Proportion, and Percent are often used in cooking, shopping, and financial transactions and other real-life situations.

What to Expect from the Ratio, Proportion, and Percent GED Practice Test

In this GED practice test, you will be asked to answer word problems to check and build your understanding of ratio, proportion, and percent. The questions here might ask you to:

  1. Calculate ratios and proportions
  2. Find the part of a percent of the whole
  3. Calculate simple interest
  4. Calculate percent change
  5. Calculate an exchange rate
  6. Calculate the rate of increase or decrease

You can take this GED practice test before reviewing to see how much you understand the topic and to know if there are weak areas you need to focus on. You can also take this practice test after watching our video lessons or after reviewing on your own to strengthen the concepts and methods you have studied. This practice test will also help you become familiar with the types of questions found on the actual GED exam. You can choose to answer this test at your own pace or you can take it a step further by setting a time limit for the entire test.