Free GED Study Guide (Printable PDF)

Free Printable Study Schedule and Guide

Is studying for the GED test making you feel overwhelmed? Do you come to your studying session feeling unprepared and uncertain about what you are supposed to be doing? What you need is a study schedule and guide.

Visit our website: GED®Science Practice test

Try using these easy PDF sheets to help organize your study materials and time.

(To print these PDF sheets, simply click the links below)

Weekly Study Planner
This weekly study calendar can be used to help you budget your time and topics to study for the GED test.

    1. Use the first column to set a goal for yourself about how long you want to study.
    2. In the second column, you should write which of the four GED subject areas you will be studying: Math, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts.
    3. Then, in the final column, write what topics you will be studying, like, “linear equations”, or “quadratics functions”.

Then, once you have completed your study schedule, fill out the Note Taking Sheet (below) once you begin studying.

We have Practice Test that you can use: GED Science Practice Test 1

Note Taking Sheet
This note taking sheet will help guide you through the studying process.

Answer the questions provided, then fill in important information to help you stay on track. After you wrap up studying, be sure to take notes about what you’ve mastered, what questions you still have, and what you want to remember for the next time you study.

Study On!

Related Topics:

Watch our Online GED Math Videos covering all topics you will face during the GED Math test

To effectively prepare for the GED test, it’s important to have school supplies on hand along with quality study materials. This includes items like pens and notebooks. Think about getting personalized pens, as there are many affordable styles available. You can also customize the pens with your preferred elements, making them both unique and useful.

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