What is a GED?

what is GED

The acronym GED means General Education Diploma. This is a diploma that is given to someone who has passed the General Education Development(GED) tests, which is a test of five subject areas that certifies that person with high school-level academic skills. The GED gives people who did not complete high school the chance to acquire credentials of high school equivalency, therefore allowing them better opportunities to pursue their future educational and career goals.

Learn more: GED 101: 2021 GED Practice Tests, GED Classes for GED Exam – 1 Stop GED Programs Guide


GED Study Guide.org

We know the importance of an education and how important passing the GED is to you and your future. There are plenty of people willing to help you along the way, and we hope you know that we are there for you. We have assembled this Free Online GED Study Guide to help put the power and information in your hands to make passing the GED just that much easier.

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
Nelson Mandela

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1 thought on “What is a GED?”

  1. Thanks GEDSTUDYGUIDE.ORG! I finally passed my final GED test with the help of your website and all your free questions. Seriously, thanks! Keep it up.

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