3 Ways The ACT Test Is Used

3 Ways The ACT Test Is Used

Colleges and universities use the ACT test (American College Testing) to get a broad idea of the student’s academic abilities and as a way to compare students in the institution’s applicant pool. Nonetheless, the ACT is a standardized test, which means that the student’s ACT test score can be used to compare him to students in the rest of the country.

It has been said that GPA scores are not standard, but ACT test scores are. Institutions find it hard comparing the student’s GPA to another, but they can simply compare one student’s ACT test performance to another. Colleges and universities use the ACT test because there are substantial differences in curricula, funding, difficulty, and grading among US secondary schools.

In addition to utilizing ACT scores as an easy way to compare students in their applicant pool, colleges and universities also use ACT test scores to determine the aptitude of a student in different academic subjects. An ACT Math Test score of 32 may tell colleges or universities that a student is ready to take on their college program’s higher-level Mathematics, while an ACT test score of 21 might tell institutions that the student may not have the proficiency they need. The ACT test scores of the student let institutions see where he on a broad academic spectrum, and determine if that student would be able to make it at their school. You can check out our ACT Math Practice Test here.

Although the GPA is an important part of the student’s college application, his ACT test score will be closely evaluated and used in more ways than one. This is why ACT test preps are important to increase your chances of scoring higher on the test. If you want to know what’s the ACT prep course is the best for you, see our Best ACT Prep Course here.

We have Practice Test that you can use: ACT English Practice Tests

Why Take the ACT Test?

  • So why take the ACT test? ACT test score can help you get into a good university. And by impressive, it does not mean a test score of 21.
  • The ACT test scores of the students will follow them around. When they apply for their first entry-level job, their ACT test score is going to be on their resume.
  • It can help balance the student’s low GPA. So, if a student flunked  World History for example, and ruined that 4.0, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have the ability to do well in college. High ACT test scores of a student can show knowledge and skills that his GPA can’t.

Related Topic: ACT Test Introduction, Registration, Dates & Score

  1. ACT Test Score Is Used for Scholarships

ACT test Prep

In most cases, above 30 ACT test score is good for college scholarships. Scoring above 30 point puts a student in the 90th percentile of test-takers, meaning the student has scored better than 90 out of every 100 test-takers. Above 30 points is a great ACT test score, but scholarships can be up for grabs for students scoring in the mid-20s or even lower, which just depends on which scholarships they are applying for. Students may be surprised at how much money they can get for their ACT test scores. Here is a sample of the ACT test score spectrum.

Related Topic: Practice Tests 3 for ACT English 

Scholarships Available for Various ACT Test Scores

ACT ScoreScholarshipAmount Per Year
32+University of Georgia Foundation Fellowship$19,458
31+UM Missoula Presidential Leadership Scholarship$37,492
29+ExxonMobil/LNESC Scholarship$20,000
27+OCCACC Scholarship$20,000
24+Catch a Break! Scholarship Program$40,000
21+CIA Undergraduate Scholarship Program$18,000
20+The Full Impact Foundation Scholarship Award$2,000
18+Hungry to Lead Scholarship$5,500
15+King’s Daughters Health Foundation Health Career Scholarship$2,500
14+The AIEF [American Indian Education Foundation] Undergraduate Scholarship Program$2,000

Nonetheless, your ACT test score isn’t always just one test score. Some college scholarships will need to see certain subsection scores above particular points. For instance, some engineering scholarships require the student’s ACT Science test scores to be in the top ten percentile but do not care about the scores of the student on the ACT English section. This could differ by institution, field, and scholarship.

Related Topic: ACT Registration and Requirements

  1. ACT Test Scores Can Make a Difference In Your Future Job

Some employers would ask their applicants for their ACT test scores, even if the applicant is years out of college. The ACT test prep and the test itself might be hard for you at age 17, but the rewards can still be beneficial for you at age 27 and beyond.

We have Practice Test that you can use: Free Practice Tests 3 for ACT Math

  1. The ACT test gives you a sense of accomplishment.

ACT study guide

Taking the ACT test is an accomplishment. You will be able to know your own strengths and weaknesses, and achieving your ideal score would boost your confidence.

Bottom Line

The ACT test score of a student doesn’t just matter for his college admission, the test score can acquire higher class placements, good scholarships, as well as a job post-college. This is why you should study as hard as you can for your ACT test.

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ACT Test Is Used