5 Changes You Should Know About The GED In 2014


The GED test will still be comprised of four main subject areas, but the test itself will look a little different than previous years.

Want to know what you can expect? Read on, friends.

changes 1

1. The GED Test will require test-takers to answer Constructed Response Questions. What does this mean?

Now, the test will include short response and extended response in ALL four subject areas. Also, test takers will be asked to completed a longer extended response in the Literacy and Social Studies portion of the GED test.

Related Topic: Free GED Practice Test

2. The GED in 2014 will be closer to the Common Core Standards in the current Educational system. What does this mean?

Now, the GED test will be better directed for those who pass to enter into a University or Career Field. Because it based around the common K-12 Core Standards, test takers will show they have a deep understanding of State educational requirements. 

TRY  Our GED Science Practice Questions | GED Study Guide

3. The GED will no longer be pencil and paper based. What does this mean? 

The new GED test will be entirely on computer. Each test taker will be assigned one computer for the entirety of the test. Responses will be made my clicking on multiple choice and typing short and extended responses. 

Our GED®Science Practice test will help you pass faster Check HERE

4. The GED test will have more than just multiple choice answers. What does this mean?

Test takers will be asked to answer the following types of questions:
Fill in the blank
Drag and Drop
Hot Spot
Multiple Select
Short Response
Extended Response

5. Prior knowledge will be required! What does this mean? 

Because the test will be aligned with Common Core Standards, it is expected that test takers know basic information in each subject area before they take the test. 

We are hoping that this blog will become a place for you to come, ask questions, comment and learn. Each week we will have updates about different subject areas, study tips, learning applications and organization skills. Take the time to follow with us and prepare for the GED Test. We’re excited for you and happy you’ve decided to include us in your journey. 

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