3 Awesome Tips For Studying For The GED Math Exam

3 Awesome Tips for Studying for the GED Math Exam

Not sure how to get started with studying for your GED Math Exam? These simple tips will help you begin. It all boils down to mastering the basics, practicing continuously, and taking mental breaks. You can also check our full study guide on GED Math here.

Quick Tips to Prepare for the GED Exam

1. Get down to the basics.

I called my friend, who is a math teacher, and I asked her what her best advice was for taking a math test. She instantly replied, “get down your basic math facts! The less you have to do things on the calculator, and the more automatically numbers come to you, the better you will do on the test.”

From my experience, I have to agree with her.

So, get down to the basics! Spend some time this week practicing your mental math abilities. An easy way to get your math facts down quickly (other than synchronizing chants with Sponge Bob) is to make flashcards. On one side write the question, like 12*2, 12*3, 12*4, etc. and then on the back of each card, write the answer. When you’re on a break from work or riding the bus, pull out your cards and use your downtime to your advantage. Once you get the basics under control, you can tackle the harder stuff.

Check our Math Blueprint Video Course covering every possible topic for GED Math. It includes +100 videos, +2000 practice questions and loads of information.

2. Practice daily.

You think Justin’s backup dancers learned this without practicing? Anything you want to master, anything you want to succeed at, anything you want to do well at TAKES PRACTICE. Truth.

You need to practice, practice, practice; especially, when you are studying for math! This week, we challenge you to connect with someone on our Facebook page. Maybe you could exchange ten math problems you have practiced, for ten math problems they have practiced. All you need to do is reach out and get more questions to practice. The more questions you have to practice, the more likely you be to pass the GED Math Exam!

Related Topic: Online GED Classes

3. Don’t Cry.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a break. There is no need to torture yourself! Step back from the problem you are doing and get a healthy snack and some water. Then, when you come back to the problem, you feel less anxious. Approach the problem with a new attitude and a clear head and see what you can do!

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Watch our Online GED Math Videos covering all topics you will face during the GED Math test

GED Math Exam